The goal of the NCS blog series has been to give the reader unique insights, be it into the startup life through “Founders Corner” or a better understanding of a specific methodology or treatment through “Nerding Out” . Well this new series “Buzzwords and BullSh!t” is no different, just slightly more cynical.
The goal of this series is to take a hard look at some of the most talked about technology, explain in common terms what it can do, what it can’t do and generally arm the reader with enough (basic) knowledge to assess when someone knows what they are talking about or is just spewing Buzzwords and Bullshit.
As with any NCS series, you will hear from me (my rant about “big data” kicks off the series) as well as the rest of the NCS Crew. This is our place to pick a topic or a term in tech that really grinds our gears and break it down, explain it and hopefully demystify some of the jargon that gets thrown around, hashtagged and generally bastardized. The hope is that we can, in a humorous but insightful way teach you, the reader, a bit about some of the most (over)used terms. I hope that by reading one of our quick posts you’ll think twice before buying a tea company stock just because it has the name “blockchain” in it.
– Adam
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