Imagine you just purchased a home. It’s nearly new, but there are still several improvements and refinements you’d like to make. As time passes, the list is continuously changing and evolving. Before long, it seems that you are constantly working on a project and planning for the next. Continually making home improvements is not that much different from using the agile development process to enhance the NCS Platform.
The NCS Platform is a web-based application, and our team of developers and analysts are always hard at work to make improvements and efficiencies. Much like making improvements on a house, we strive to continuously implement enhancements to make the NCS Platform valuable for its users. NCS practices agile development to accomplish that.
Agile development is the process of continually collaborating, planning, creating, and evolving to provide a solution or end product. To keep our process in continual motion, we utilize a backlog. The backlog is essentially our list of improvements or enhancements we would like to accomplish. When we have a new feature to implement, often from the research and development team or a client-requested feature, we record that information in our backlog. As we complete our current work, items are pulled from the backlog into a new collection called a sprint. A sprint is what we call our current body of work. Sprints are generally a couple of weeks long, and it’s when we develop and test the new ideas or enhancements we want to accomplish.
Utilizing an agile development process allows us to move forward to bring you an ever-improving Platform. Each time we release something new into the Platform, our dedicated team is already planning for the next enhancement.
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