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The Transparency Project: West Virginia

Total Active Commercial Licenses

State Issued
Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.
Total Active Commercial Licenses, State Issued
Month State Issued Licenses
Apr 2024 85
May 2024 87
Jun 2024 88
Jul 2024 88
Aug 2024 88
Sep 2024 88

License by Type

State Issued

Top Product Category Retail Sales

August 2024
Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.
Top Product Category Retail Sales, August 2024
Product Category Total Sales
Buds/Flower $5,523,739 (65.8%)
Vape Products $1,590,687 (19%)
Concentrate (Each) $970,291 (11.6%)
Pill $118,127 (1.4%)
Other $117,797 (1.4%)
Shake/Trim $69,557 (0.8%)
  • 65.8% Buds/Flower
  • 19% Vape Products
  • 11.6% Concentrate (Each)
  • 1.4% Pill
  • 1.4% Other
  • 0.8% Shake/Trim

Total Reported Sales Analyzed

Total Reported Sales combine all reported sales, including retail sales transactions as well as wholesale purchases if provided.
Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.
Total Reported Sales Analyzed, Total Reported Sales combine all reported sales, including retail sales transactions as well as wholesale purchases if provided.
Month Total Sales
Mar 2024 $7,907,922
Apr 2024 $7,805,232
May 2024 $7,967,632
Jun 2024 $7,684,196
Jul 2024 $8,116,783
Aug 2024 $8,390,198

Top Product Category Retail Sales

September 2024
No data available
Please check back soon

Live Plants

Includes all plants currently growing regardless of when they were planted.
Total Live
as of 09-04-2024
Live Flowering Plants
as of 09-04-2024
Live Non-Flowering Plants
as of 09-04-2024

Recently Planted

The figure below reflects the current month.
Total Planted
as of 09-04-2024
Total Planted
August 2024


August 2024
Harvest Count
Started in August
Total Initial Wet Weight of Harvests


Previous 6 Months
Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.
Harvests, Previous 6 Months
Harvest Month Total Harvests Started
Mar 2024 87
Apr 2024 115
May 2024 75
Jun 2024 86
Jul 2024 105
Aug 2024 110

Monthly Average Wet Weight Per Plant

Text alternative for this canvas graphic is in the data table below.
Monthly Average Wet Weight Per Plant
Month Weight in Grams
Mar 2024 1,014
Apr 2024 1,001
May 2024 1,086
Jun 2024 1,061
Jul 2024 1,162
Aug 2024 1,039
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